We get ALAWT of questions about our decor sources. But probably the most frequently asked is about our rugs. Obviously, we have a lot of them, both indoor and outdoor, and obviously, they are subject to some pretty brutal treatment courtesy of our, shall we say…eccentric lifestyle. We definitely put our floor coverings through the ringer, that’s for darned sure.

So I am beyond excited to get to share one of my all-time favorite rug sources: FabHabitat.com. And while, yes, this is a sponsored post, I can enthusiastically say that I have had their rugs in my house and garden for years before this partnership. Not only are they gorgeous, durable, and affordable, they are sustainably and ethically produced using recycled materials. I just can’t gush enough about them.

The rugs I currently have in my kitchen are the Duke rug in Multi, which is an indoor-outdoor handwoven kilim-style beauty made from PET, which is a polyester yarn made from recycled plastic bottles. Not only is it gorgeous and feels like a woven wool rug underfoot, it is inherently stain-resistant and, to clean it, you literally just take it outside and hose it down. Which comes in really handy at my house, let me tell you.

My three maniac dogs tear around so hard on these things and they just really hold up great. Which brings me to the other question we get asked all the time in conjunction with the rug queries. HOW DO WE KEEP THEM IN PLACE with 200+ lbs worth of dog bodies hurtling across them? Double-sided rug tape and a rug pad, that’s how. We tape the edges of both the pads and the rugs down and these suckers don’t budge for one second despite daily, repeated, sustained buffalo stampedes.

Let’s move on outside, shall we? I’m a big fan of using rugs to anchor “outdoor rooms”, but outdoor rugs can be a tricky business. They need to look great, hold up well against the elements, and be super easy to clean. It’s a tall order. But my absolute favorite, favorite, favorite are the FabHabitat recycled plastic rugs (made from recycled plastic straws!).They have long been a fixture in my chicken garden because they are a gorgeous pop of color and pattern out there.

But more importantly, you can just hose that chicken poop right the heck off of them. So. Easy. To. Keep. Clean. And those vibrant colors just don’t fade, despite getting subjected to some pretty brutal sun and heat all summer long. Not to mention the fact that they are also getting pecked and scratched at by a herd of tiny destructive dinosaurs every single day. A colorful rug just makes everything so much better.
Original Post: https://www.drinkingwithchickens.com/blog/fabulous-fabhabitat-rugs